Top 26 Roku Hacks Of 2023 | Access Hidden Features
Last Updated on: 23rd August 2023, 01:46 pm
If you’re a Roku user, you know that there are a ton of great Roku hacks out there to enhance your experience. Whether you’re looking for ways to make your Roku more user-friendly or want to add new features, there’s a hack for you.
There are many Roku hacks that can make your experience even better. In this article, we’ll share some of the best roku hacks 2022 that you can use to get the most out of your Roku.
Best Roku Hacks 2023
1) No Headphone Jack

This one is right up there with the most popular hack. If you watch any android or apple device with a big screen, especially one with a bright high resolution, you need to have a headphone plugged in while you are watching your android or apple device.
There is just no getting around it. Luckily, Roku hacks are available that will eliminate this problem completely. You will just have to plug in the speakers if you don’t want to use the headphones.
2) No Wi-Fi For Streaming

Are you a heavy user of android devices with no wireless network available? If so, then this one is for you. ROKU hacks are available to eliminate this issue completely by using an app on your android device that acts as a Wi-Fi hotspot.
Whenever you go somewhere and get internet, your device will connect automatically and stream videos from websites such as YouTube and Hulu.
3) No Jailbreak Required

ROKU Hacks allows you to have complete control over your android device. You can completely modify and remove your operating system. That means you can install any of the thousands of apps available on Google Play and the official Android Market.
Plus, you can install your own custom ROM software-based apps. Roku jailbreak codes is no required for this feature! Just make sure you have the proper unlocking code.
4) Roku Commercials Hack
This is a great way to save yourself time and watch your favorite shows without having to sit through commercial breaks. To do this, all you have to do is click the “Pivot” button when you get to a commercial. Roku will then automatically skip the ad and go on to the next episode. If it skipped too far or if there were not enough commercials, you can adjust the slider up or down, respectively, to get back on track.
5) Instant Replay Without Any Ads

Did you know that there is also a secret menu that allows you to view your videos without any ads? It’s called the “Google Play Movies & TV” application and you can tap on it to instantly replay any video.
Even if you don’t have any cable or satellite providers, you can still watch online as it is broadcasted directly to your device without adverts. ROKU hacks allow you to view these movies without the need of paying for anything.
6) Roku Search

You can search for movies, shows, actors, directors, and other categories from the home screen by pressing on the roku remote’s “*” key.
7) Hidden Commands

The “(*)” key also brings up hidden menus from most menu items. For example, if you press “menu” > “settings” > (*) it’ll bring up resolution settings like 720p or 1080i.
8) Roku VPN Hack
A VPN encrypts your traffic and routes it through an intermediary server, making it difficult for anyone on the internet to track your activity. This is great for keeping your privacy protected when you’re using public Wi-Fi networks, or when you’re using streaming services that require you to log in to an account with your physical address. There are a number of different VPNs available, so it’s important to do your research to find the one that’s right for you.
9) Fuzzy Roku Search
If Roku doesn’t find what you were looking for try searching with just part of a movie name (exact spelling is best). If possible add the exact year to narrow your results down further (the exact year is best). This works well for finding old roku channels you used to have via roku search.
10) Hidden Features
There are many hidden features on your roku device including a secret code input screen that can be accessed by pressing “*” several times after entering your password when logging into your roku account page from its IP address (i.e. roku login).
11) Hidden Channels

Roku users can install additional roku channels that it doesn’t market on its roku channel store. Below are roku channels for movies, sports, music, news and more. NetFlix has a roko channel that’s useful if you have NetFlix but not your own computer (or roku device) to stream netflix from your home internet connection with its built-in wifi adapter or use a USB-based wifi dongle externally wired into one of the Roku 3 ‘s four USB ports (for older roku devices like the roku 2, etc.) to operate it as an external wifi access point. This tutorial details how to do it and more.
12) Add Roku Streaming Channels as Roku Channels

You can also add roku streaming channels to the roku channel store that roku doesn’t offer by hacking your roku device (roku 2 , roku 3 , roku stick) in a way similar to installing additional roku channels (see above). This tutorial shows how it’s done.
13) Roku Web Browser Hack
A Roku web browser hack allows users to access websites that are not normally accessible on the Roku platform. This hack is possible by using a third-party browser extension that is compatible with the Roku platform. Once the extension is installed, users can access websites by entering the website’s address into the Roku web browser.
14) Roku Spectrum Hack
The Roku Spectrum hack allows users to access streaming content that is not normally available through the Roku streaming device. This hack is available as a downloadable software application that can be installed on a computer. Once installed, the application allows users to access streaming content that is not available through the Roku streaming device. The application is free to download and use.
15) Hidden Links
One of the “submenus” on Netflix’s Roku page is a way to access special features like rate all Netflix titles or highlight just so you know Roku includes this as a hidden feature (to me it was kind of hard to find which hopefully I can fix with this article).
16) System Info
When roku updates are available you will usually receive an email notice. If roku crashed there’s also a roku system info page that will display roku technical information.
17) Roku Hidden Menus

Roku has hidden menus that allow one to gain access roku the developer’s options. To access these roku hidden menu, you will have to press left roku remote four times and select roku enter a roku code.
Then you will be presented with different options in roku hidden menu. To come out of roku hidden menus, you will have to re-enter roku setup roku continue your roku streaming.
18) Roku Screensaver Hack

Roku has a screensaver hack that allows one to display any pictures on the roku screen while it’s not in use. Once you activate roku screensaver hack, roku will not turn of automatically. You can set roku to display pictures while roku is doing something else in the background.
19) Roku Lyrics Hack
This roku hack allows you to access lyrics for songs playing on your roku streaming device. In this roku hack, you can only access lyrics with your cellphone or PC using roku remote control and connect it to the roku account through an internet connection.
20) Roku RSS Hacks
Roku provides a number of roku rrs channels where one can get news updates from different sources conveniently from their roku screen. Roku rss feeds allow you get notifications straight to your tv as soon as they appear on web so that you can take action immediately.
21) Roku Hidden Channels
If you have roku hack, then roku hidden channels will not be difficult for you to find. Roku has a number of roku hidden channel that you can only access with roku hack or roku codes. Some of roku hidden channel are free while some uses paid subscription models just like other roku channels.
22) Roku Multi-User Support

Roku hacks allow user to share their roku across different users and use them at the same time without any restrictions on airplay sharing . You can create separate profiles in your roku device and add as many users as possible; each given its own benefits. Remember, all these hacked features are available for roku device above roku 3 version only.
23) Roku Parental Control Hack

Roku parental controls allow parents to manage roku of their children and share roku grown up content easily. Using roku parental controls, you can block channels on roku without interfering with other adult channels.
24) Roku Google Maps Hack

This roku hack allows you to view rokugoogle maps from your rokusystem. Just connect rokusystem with PC or cellphone using home network and use this rokuhack in order to access google maps on your rokusystem that too without any additional charges as it is a free service offered by roku.
25) Roku Parental Control for Subtitles
You can now set parental controls over the subtitles of any movie or TV show using rokubroadcasters platform. If you own one of rokuroku streaming device, then you can use this hack to block explicit content not suitable for children below 18 years.
26)Your Phone can be used As a Remote

It’s likely that you’re exhausted of all the devices that clutter your living space. Luckily, the Roku application lets anyone who has the program integrate the remote onto their smartphone which reduces the mess a bit. After the application has been downloaded and opened, you will discover an control pad with a pause button, the volume dial and, perhaps most important, a variety of channels to make navigation easy.
The app is ideal for streaming arguments with your partner or when one of you sitting on the sofa is attempting to switch the other channel to Bridgerton without any other understanding.
Conclusion – Roku Hacks 2022

In this article, we’ve covered roku hacks that will help you improve your Roku experience. Roku Hacks isn’t simply restricted to video playback or screen reflecting. They likewise permit you to peruse the web in a matter of moments by any stretch of the imagination.
In this way, on the off chance that you’re searching for a method for accelerating your perusing, or to get better video quality, these hacks are ideal for you.